IRS Practitioner Liaison Meeting – Once a year, NBEA has an audience with members of the IRS where we share the good, the bad and the ugly about what our members are experiencing. The IRS representatives listen and respond and try and fix problems. In turn, they share with us issues they are having and explore ways we can help them be more efficient.
STALM – State Tax Agencies Liaison Meeting – every year, members of CSEA meet with senior staff of the state tax agencies including the FTB, EDD, SOS, and the California Department of Fee and Tax Administration (formerly the SBOE). This is an exclusive CSEA event!
Jim Stern Leg Day – Meet with your state legislators in Sacramento. Let them know who EA’s are and share with them the latest tax issues that need their help. State legislators rely on the tax professional community to understand how tax laws affect the California Taxpayer. We need you to help deliver that message.
NAEA Fly In Day – Enrolled Agents from all across the United Stated gather in Washington DC. To discuss federal tax laws and emerging tax related concerns with the Senators and Assembly Members in out nations capitol.
We do local events too! The NBEA Advocacy committee organizes events where our members meet with the local staff of our legislators and provide them information and resources they can give their constituents.
Learn more about CSEA Legislative events HERE.